Saturday, May 4, 2013

Juice Cleanse - The Terrible 4's and Amazing Mexican Inspired Food

Well day five of juice cleanse complete and boy am I happy to be half way done! Days 1-3 were good, I felt pretty normal throughout the day, only feeling tired around 11am and when I got home from work. Day 4, on the other hand, was the worst day I have experienced on a juice cleanse. I feel sorry for anyone who might have experienced my evilness on Thursday, if you are one of them I apologize, it was the detoxing not me. It honestly felt like I was PMSing but on a grander scale. Ladies you understand!

So, I got to work Thursday morning and by the first customer I was already annoyed by everything and everyone, to the point of me venting a lot to my co workers David, Jessica and Janelle. I think they might have been concerned for my members that day, but I held it together and put on a smile and got through the day. What I didn’t know was, that night I would be tested way beyond I could ever imagine!

My super awesome sister Ashley was featuring healthy Cinco De Mayo recipes on Global Regina Friday morning and she wasn’t ready. So in order to alleviate some stress, I offered my help. When I got to my moms house where Ash was preparing the food I was hit by the sudden urge to quit my juice cleanse. I was already having such a frustrating and trying day that when the smell of Ashley’s delicious smelling food hit my face I was like “F this I want to eat everything!”

All I wanted to do was eat, not drink, eat. I wasn’t hungry or starving, I just wanted to chew something and what a better thing to quit your juice fast on then Spicy Black Bean Brownies. Okay definitely not the best thing to eat right after four days of not eating solids, but I REALLY wanted one. Then she started making her zesty lettuce tacos with fresh avocados and tomatoes. It was absolute torture, standing there knowing that I could eat everything if I wanted too because it was all vegan and healthy. But in the back of my head there was that voice that told me to stay strong and keep going on my juice cleanse. So when she went down stairs I snagged some tomatoes and sucked the juice out of them! Yup I did, and I know that sounds so weird, but I just had to have something!

I am so happy I didn't give up on day four, because Ashley was right, day four is the hardest to get through. But once you do it becomes easier again - like days 1-3. I am already on day six with only four more days to go and I really hope I can stay strong and get through them. If I happen to fall off the wagon and eat solid food again, no worries because getting to day six is an accomplishment for me and it is something I am proud of!

Ashley did an amazing job on Live TV, she is an absolute natural and her recipes were a big hit at Global. So I thought I would share her recipes with you so you are able to see what she made, just in case you didn’t get a chance to see her.

She made:
Homemade Tortilla Chips
Zucchini Guacamole
Zesty Lettuce Tacos with mushrooms
Spicy Black Bean Brownies

All of the recipes, found here, are gluten free, dairy free, egg free, meat free and 100% pure heaven. I really, really suggest you try the tacos, they smelt AMAZING and I know they would taste AMAZING too!

Thanks for reading!
Xoxo -N

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