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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

Have you ever seen the poster “You are one workout away from a good mood”? That is how I felt this morning. I will be honest with you people since I got my new full time position at the bank I have really slacked off on my workouts. When I worked at the gym I could workout four mornings a week. It worked out really good, I got to work at 5:45 and did an hour workout while at work. It was perfect. Now that I don’t have to get up so early, bed has been my lover and the alarm clock is the mistress trying to separate us, so I hate her!
The first week I started my job I worked out one morning, then another week went by and I still didn’t get up. That’s when I get into that horrible funk and start feeling lazy, sad and unmotivated, all because I can’t wake up in the mornings. Yet I used to get up at 5:30am no problem, but I guess when you aren’t getting paid to go to work at that time, it’s less motivating.

Not working out effected my mood more that I ever thought it could have. I ate my feelings and had a negative attitude towards myself, all in two weeks! But this morning it had to stop. I went to bed last night with positive thoughts of “I am going to sleep great” and “I will exercise tomorrow!” and guess what, I did!

I was awake by 6:20am and on the treadmill by 6:30. I ran/jogged for 30 mins and did some light ab workouts on the floor. All in all it took around 40 mins to do and after that I felt GREAT! I was happy and ready to start my day, I haven’t felt this motivated in a long time. When I got to work I was cheery and told my fellow worker David, that I might be overly happy today and to be prepared for a lot of smiling! As I am typing this Gavin Degraw is on and I am literally dancing in my seat while smiling! Who knew that one workout could make me feel so good!? I am hoping I can keep this up because its no fun feeling lazy and frumpy.

So next time you are feeling funky, get up and go for a walk, run or jog, it will make you feel so much better!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Thanks for reading!
xoxo -N 

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